Two New Contributions to the Visualization of AMR Grids: I. Interactive Rendering of Extreme-Scale 2-Dimensional Grids II. Novel Selection Filters in Arbitrary Dimension

by   Guénolé Harel, et al.

We present here the result of continuation work, performed to further fulfill the vision we outlined in [Harel,Lekien,Pébaÿ-2017] for the visualization and analysis of tree-based adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) simulations, using the hypertree grid paradigm which we proposed. The first filter presented hereafter implements an adaptive approach in order to accelerate the rendering of 2-dimensional AMR grids, hereby solving the problem posed by the loss of interactivity that occurs when dealing with large and/or deeply refined meshes. Specifically, view parameters are taken into account, in order to: on one hand, avoid creating surface elements that are outside of the view area; on the other hand, utilize level-of-detail properties to cull those cells that are deemed too small to be visible with respect to the given view parameters. This adaptive approach often results in a massive increase in rendering performance. In addition, two new selection filters provide data analysis capabilities, by means of allowing for the extraction of those cells within a hypertree grid that are deemed relevant in some sense, either geometrically or topologically. After a description of these new algorithms, we illustrate their use within the Visualization Toolkit (VTK) in which we implemented them. This note ends with some suggestions for subsequent work.


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