Using Edge Contractions and Vertex Deletions to Reduce the Independence Number and the Clique Number

by   Felicia Lucke, et al.

We consider the following problem: for a given graph G and two integers k and d, can we apply a fixed graph operation at most k times in order to reduce a given graph parameter π by at least d? We show that this problem is NP-hard when the parameter is the independence number and the graph operation is vertex deletion or edge contraction, even for fixed d=1 and when restricted to chordal graphs. We also give a polynomial time algorithm for bipartite graphs when the operation is edge contraction, the parameter is the independence number and d is fixed. Further, we complete the complexity dichotomy on H-free graphs when the parameter is the clique number and the operation is edge contraction by showing that this problem is NP-hard in (C_3+P_1)-free graphs even for fixed d=1. Our results answer several open questions stated in [Diner et al., Theoretical Computer Science, 746, p. 49-72 (2012)].


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