Using Virtual Reality to Design and Evaluate a Lunar Lander: The EL3 Case Study

by   Tommy Nilsson, et al.

The European Large Logistics Lander (EL3) is being designed to carry out cargo delivery missions in support of future lunar ground crews. The capacity of virtual reality (VR) to visualize and interactively simulate the unique lunar environment makes it a potentially powerful design tool during the early development stages of such solutions. Based on input from the EL3 development team, we have produced a VR-based operational scenario featuring a hypothetical configuration of the lander. Relying on HCI research methods, we have subsequently evaluated this scenario with relevant experts (n=10). Qualitative findings from this initial pilot study have demonstrated the usefulness of VR as a design tool in this context, but likewise surfaced a number of limitations in the form of potentially impaired validity and generalizability. We conclude by outlining our future research plan and reflect on the potential use of physical stimuli to improve the validity of VR-based simulations in forthcoming design activities.


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