Varifocal-Net: A Chromosome Classification Approach using Deep Convolutional Networks

by   Yulei Qin, et al.

Chromosome classification is critical for karyotyping in abnormality diagnosis. To relieve doctors from such tedious work and expedite abnormality diagnosis, we present a novel method named Varifocal-Net for simultaneous classification of chromosome's type and polarity using deep convolutional networks. The approach consists of one global-scale network (G-Net) and one local-scale network (L-Net). It follows two stages. The first stage is to learn both global and local features. We extract global features and detect finer local regions via the G-Net. With the proposed varifocal mechanism, we zoom into local parts and extract local features via the L-Net. Residual learning and multi-task learning strategy are utilized to promote high-level feature extraction. The detection of discriminative local parts is fulfilled by a localization subnet in the G-Net, whose training process involves both supervised and weakly-supervised learning. The second stage is to build two multi-layer perceptron classifiers that exploit features of both two scales to boost classification performance. We constructed a large dataset with 1909 karyotyping cases for extensive experiments. Evaluation results demonstrate that our Varifocal-Net achieved the highest accuracy of 0.9805, 0.9909 and average F1-score of 0.9771, 0.9909 for the type and polarity task, respectively. It outperformed state-of-the-art methods, which proves the effectiveness of our varifocal mechanism and multi-scale feature ensemble. The Varifocal-Net has been applied into clinical practice of karyotyping to assist numerical abnormality diagnosis.


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