Who Explains the Explanation? Quantitatively Assessing Feature Attribution Methods

by   Anna Arias-Duart, et al.

AI explainability seeks to increase the transparency of models, making them more trustworthy in the process. The need for transparency has been recently motivated by the emergence of deep learning models, which are particularly obscure by nature. Even in the domain of images, where deep learning has succeeded the most, explainability is still poorly assessed. Multiple feature attribution methods have been proposed in the literature with the purpose of explaining a DL model's behavior using visual queues, but no standardized metrics to assess or select these methods exist. In this paper we propose a novel evaluation metric – the Focus – designed to quantify the faithfulness of explanations provided by feature attribution methods, such as LRP or GradCAM. First, we show the robustness of the metric through randomization experiments, and then use Focus to evaluate and compare three popular explainability techniques using multiple architectures and datasets. Our results find LRP and GradCAM to be consistent and reliable, the former being more accurate for high performing models, while the latter remains most competitive even when applied to poorly performing models. Finally, we identify a strong relation between Focus and factors like model architecture and task, unveiling a new unsupervised approach for the assessment of models.


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