A graph is k-vertex-critical if χ(G)=k but χ(G-v)<k for all v∈
V(G). We ...
We give a new, stronger proof that there are only finitely many
In this paper we study the the average order of dominating sets in a gra...
A graph G is k-vertex-critical if χ(G)=k but χ(G-v)<k for all
v∈ V(G) wh...
A cut-down de Bruijn sequence is a cyclic string of length L, where 1 ≤
We consider the problem of listing all spanning trees of a graph G such
We use a greedy strategy to list the spanning trees of the fan graph, F_...
We present a Hamilton cycle in the k-sided pancake network and four
For k ≥ 3, we prove (i) there is a finite number of k-vertex-critical