The effectiveness of compression distance in KNN-based text classificati...
The task of natural language inference (NLI) asks whether a given premis...
Conditional language models still generate unfaithful output that is not...
Arguments often do not make explicit how a conclusion follows from its
The Smatch metric is a popular method for evaluating graph distances, as...
Recently, astonishing advances have been observed in AMR parsing, as mea...
Metrics for graph-based meaning representations (e.g., Abstract Meaning
Evaluating the quality of generated text is difficult, since traditional...
The semantic similarity of graph-based meaning representations, such as
Several metrics have been proposed for assessing the similarity of (abst...
In cross-lingual Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR) parsing, research...
Systems that generate sentences from (abstract) meaning representations
Structured semantic sentence representations such as Abstract Meaning
Different metrics have been proposed to compare Abstract Meaning
The 'macro F1' metric is frequently used to evaluate binary, multi-class...
We formulate argumentative relation classification (support vs. attack) ...
When assessing relations between argumentative units (e.g., support or
Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR) represents sentences as directed,
Semantic proto-role labeling (SPRL) is an alternative to semantic role
Resolving abstract anaphora is an important, but difficult task for text...