The swift advancement in the scale and capabilities of Large Language Mo...
Federated learning is an emerging distributed machine learning method,
Continual learning (CL) aims to learn new tasks without forgetting previ...
Adapter tuning, which updates only a few parameters, has become a mainst...
The multimedia community has shown a significant interest in perceiving ...
We propose a novel master-slave architecture to solve the top-K
Stochastic gradient descent (SGD) performed in an asynchronous manner pl...
To address the communication burden issues associated with federated lea...
Recently, the efficient deployment and acceleration of powerful vision
Adaptive optimization has achieved notable success for distributed learn...
We present a novel method for reconstructing clothed humans from a spars...
This paper shows that time series forecasting Transformer (TSFT) suffers...
Forgetting refers to the loss or deterioration of previously acquired
Data-poisoning based backdoor attacks aim to insert backdoor into models...
Deep neural networks often suffer from poor generalization due to comple...
Despite the fact that adversarial training has become the de facto metho...
This paper presents FDNet: a Focal Decomposed Network for efficient, rob...
Federated learning (FL) is a distributed paradigm that coordinates massi...
Although graph neural networks (GNNs) have achieved impressive achieveme...
Recent works have shown the potential of diffusion models in computer vi...
Sparse training has received an upsurging interest in machine learning d...
This paper reveals a new appeal of the recently emerged large-kernel
Reconstructing neural radiance fields with explicit volumetric
Data-free meta-learning (DFML) aims to enable efficient learning of new ...
Recent advancements in the acquisition of various brain data sources hav...
Data augmentation (DA) is a crucial technique for enhancing the sample
Personalized federated learning (PFL) aims to produce the greatest
In federated learning (FL), a cluster of local clients are chaired under...
Prompt-tuning has emerged as a promising method for adapting pre-trained...
Predominant techniques on talking head generation largely depend on 2D
Federated learning (FL) is a collaborative learning paradigm for
To defend the inference attacks and mitigate the sensitive information
Backdoor defense, which aims to detect or mitigate the effect of malicio...
Radiance field is an effective representation of 3D scenes, which has be...
The field of deep learning has witnessed significant progress, particula...
Despite remarkable successes in solving various complex decision-making
ChatGPT shows remarkable capabilities for machine translation (MT). Seve...
Robust generalization aims to tackle the most challenging data distribut...
To defend the inference attacks and mitigate the sensitive information
The goal of data-free meta-learning is to learn useful prior knowledge f...
As a popular paradigm of distributed learning, personalized federated
Offline reinforcement learning (RL) is a challenging task, whose objecti...
Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death worldwide. The best sol...
Sharpness aware minimization (SAM) optimizer has been extensively explor...
Federated learning (FL) enables multiple clients to train a machine lear...
Personalized federated learning, as a variant of federated learning, tra...
Federated learning is an emerging distributed machine learning framework...
This technical report briefly describes our JDExplore d-team's submissio...
Federated learning aims to collaboratively train models without accessin...
To mitigate the privacy leakages and communication burdens of Federated