Variable-to-variable length (VV) codes are a class of lossless source co...
This paper introduces a new architectural design framework that utilizes...
Optical Image Stabilization (OIS) system in mobile devices reduces image...
Understanding spatial transformations and their mathematical representat...
Evolving secret sharing schemes do not require prior knowledge of the nu...
Universal coding of integers (UCI) is a class of variable-length code, s...
Nested named entity recognition (NER) aims to identify the entity bounda...
Literature review shows limited research investigating the utilization o...
Architectural Education faces limitations due to its tactile approach to...
In entropy coding, universal coding of integers (UCI) is a binary univer...
A growing demand for handling uncertainties and risks in performance-dri...
Despite the remarkable development of parametric modeling methods for
A building self-shading shape impacts substantially on the amount of dir...
Despite the excessive developments of architectural parametric platforms...
Deep learning is expected to offer new opportunities and a new paradigm ...
Since many real-world data can be described from multiple views, multi-v...
User behavior and feature interactions are crucial in deep learning-base...
Industrial AI systems are mostly end-to-end machine learning (ML) workfl...
BRICKxAR is an Augmented Reality-based construction method applied to LE...
Point cloud is a fundamental 3D representation which is widely used in r...
Nowadays, there is an increasing interest in the development of Autonomo...