A Robust and Rapidly Deployable Waypoint Navigation Architecture for Long-Duration Operations in GPS-Denied Environments

by   Erik Pearson, et al.

For long-duration operations in GPS-denied environments, accurate and repeatable waypoint navigation is an essential capability. While simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) works well for single-session operations, repeated, multi-session operations require robots to navigate to the same spot(s) accurately and precisely each and every time. Localization and navigation errors can build up from one session to the next if they are not accounted for. Localization using a global reference map works well, but there are no publicly available packages for quickly building maps and navigating with them. We propose a new architecture using a combination of two publicly available packages with a newly released package to create a fully functional multi-session navigation system for ground vehicles. The system takes just a few hours from the beginning of the first manual scan to perform autonomous waypoint navigation.


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