Abhinav Kumar
My name is Abhinav Kumar and I am a PhD student in the Computer Vision Lab, Department of Computer Science at Michigan State University (MSU) working with Prof Xiaoming Liu. I transferred from the School of Computing, University of Utah. My research interests lie at the intersection of domains of Computer Vision, Machine Learning and Deep Learning.
I spent Summer 2019 in the Computer Vision group at Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs (MERL), Cambridge, MA working with Dr Tim Marks, Dr Michael Jones and Dr Anoop Cherian on uncertainty and visibility estimation using deep neural networks. During 2016-2018, I worked as a Research Engineer in Computer Vision and Media Analytics (CVMA) Group at Xerox Research Centre India/Conduent Labs India, Bangalore with Dr Sriganesh Madhvanath and Vladimir Kozitksy on License Plate Re-Identification (LPR) and Dr Manasa Kolla on Vehicle Passenger Detection System (VPDS). Xerox/Conduent have deployed my works on LPR and VPDS and use them in real-life.
In my previous avatars, I was a Masters student guided by Prof Animesh Kumar in the Electrical Engineering department at Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT Bombay) and Bachelors student in Electrical Engineering department at Indian Institute of Technology Patna (IIT Patna).