
Prof. Emanuele Frontoni is Professor Computer Vision and Deep Learning at the Department of Information Engineering (DII) of the Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona – Italy. His research activity is focused in the field of Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence with applications in multimedia, novel distributed data architectures for video analysis and human behavior analysis. He is also involved in several AI projects in the field of health data interoperability, cloud based deep learning technologies and big data analysis. He coordinated and participated to several industrial R&D projects in collaboration with ICT and mechatronics companies in the field of Industry 4.0, HBA and Robotic Vision. He is an expert for EU Commission in H2020 project evaluations and is currently involved in 2 ongoing EU projects (DWC and ROSIN sub-call). He published more than 180 international’s papers in his fields. He is a member of the European Association for Artificial Intelligence, of the European AI Alliance and of the International Association for Pattern Recognition. 

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