The increasingly Large Language Models (LLMs) demonstrate stronger langu...
Novel class discovery (NCD) aims to infer novel categories in an unlabel...
Language identification describes the task of recognizing the language o...
Binary neural networks are the extreme case of network quantization, whi...
Transformer-based architectures like BERT have achieved great success in...
Novel class discovery (NCD) aims to infer novel categories in an unlabel...
One of the most pressing problems in the automated analysis of historica...
Recent works on Binary Neural Networks (BNNs) have made promising progre...
Mutual knowledge distillation (MKD) improves a model by distilling knowl...
Deep convolutional neural networks (CNN) have achieved astonishing resul...
The analysis of the compression effects in generative adversarial networ...
Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have achieved state-of-the-art
Binary Neural Networks (BNNs) are neural networks which use binary weigh...
We propose to tackle the mode collapse problem in generative adversarial...
Over the past few years, several new methods for scene text recognition ...
Binary Neural Networks (BNNs) show promising progress in reducing
Convolutional neural networks have achieved astonishing results in diffe...
We propose a new generative adversarial architecture to mitigate imbalan...
Recently, deep neural networks have achieved remarkable performance on t...
Gliomas are the most common primary brain malignancies, with different
We propose a new generative adversarial architecture to mitigate imbalan...
Convolutional neural networks have achieved astonishing results in diffe...
We propose to incorporate adversarial dropout in generative multi-advers...
Detecting and recognizing text in natural scene images is a challenging,...
Detecting and recognizing text in natural scene images is a challenging,...
Binary Neural Networks (BNNs) can drastically reduce memory size and acc...
This work presents an end-to-end trainable deep bidirectional LSTM