Convolutional layers have long served as the primary workhorse for image...
In recent years, self-attention has become the dominant paradigm for seq...
Subsampling algorithms are a natural approach to reduce data size before...
In this paper, we explore the use of metric learning to embed Windows PE...
Sequence processing has long been a central area of machine learning
Due to the computational cost of running inference for a neural network,...
Data augmentation has been rare in the cyber security domain due to tech...
The workshop will focus on the application of AI to problems in cyber
We explore the utility of information contained within a dropout based
Holographic Reduced Representations (HRR) are a method for performing
The detection of malware is a critical task for the protection of comput...
False positives (FPs) have been an issue of extreme importance for anti-...
Yara rules are a ubiquitous tool among cybersecurity practitioners and