Neural network representation learning for spatial data is a common need...
Narrative cartography is a discipline which studies the interwoven natur...
Almost all statements in knowledge bases have a temporal scope during wh...
A common need for artificial intelligence models in the broader geoscien...
As an important part of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Question Answering...
One of the grand challenges discussed during the Dagstuhl Seminar "Knowl...
Researchers have attempted utilizing deep neural network (DNN) to learn ...
The inherent heavy computation of deep neural networks prevents their
Learning knowledge graph (KG) embeddings is an emerging technique for a
Many geoportals such as ArcGIS Online are established with the goal of
Unsupervised text encoding models have recently fueled substantial progr...
Link prediction is an important and frequently studied task that contrib...
Recently, several studies have explored methods for using KG embedding t...
Feature pyramids are widely exploited by both the state-of-the-art one-s...
The ability to detect small objects and the speed of the object detector...