Mobility data captures the locations of moving objects such as humans,
We consider geometric collision-detection problems for modular reconfigu...
We introduce a new model of indeterminacy in graphs: instead of specifyi...
A geometric t-spanner for a set S of n point sites is an edge-weighted
The Fréchet distance is a commonly used similarity measure between curve...
This paper introduces two new abstract morphs for two 2-dimensional shap...
Given two distributions P and S of equal total mass, the Earth Mover's
We propose a new kind of sliding-block puzzle, called Gourds, where the
Given two shapes A and B in the plane with Hausdorff distance 1, is
We consider the problem of reconfiguring a set of physical objects into ...
We introduce a new abstract graph game, Swap Planarity, where the goal i...
We study the k-center problem in a kinetic setting: given a set of
We consider the problem of testing, for a given set of planar regions
We revisit the classical polygonal line simplification problem and study...
Motivated by a new way of visualizing hypergraphs, we study the followin...
We consider the following question: How many edge-disjoint plane spannin...