The current cut selection algorithm used in mixed-integer programming so...
We introduce Scylla, a primal heuristic for mixed-integer optimization
Cutting planes and branching are two of the most important algorithms fo...
It has been shown that any 9 by 9 Sudoku puzzle must contain at least 17...
Cutting planes are a crucial component of state-of-the-art mixed-integer...
Mixed-integer nonlinear optimization is a broad class of problems that
We introduce DiffOpt.jl, a Julia library to differentiate through the
We study the effects of constrained optimization formulations and Frank-...
Generalized self-concordance is a key property present in the objective
Near-optimality robustness extends multilevel optimization with a limite...
Bilevel optimization studies problems where the optimal response to a se...
Random variables and their distributions are a central part in many area...