Can revealing one's competitive capabilities to an opponent offer strate...
The use of game theoretic methods for control in multiagent systems has ...
The theory of learning in games has extensively studied situations where...
The emerging technology of Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communication over
The emerging technology of Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communication over
Recent research in the social sciences has identified situations in whic...
When users lack specific knowledge of various system parameters, their
The theory of learning in games has extensively studied situations where...
A key challenge in responding to public health crises such as COVID-19 i...
Are rewards or penalties more effective in influencing user behavior? Th...
A popular formalism for multiagent control applies tools from game theor...
We seek to understand the fundamental mathematics governing
How does information regarding an adversary's intentions affect optimal
We ask if it is possible to positively influence social behavior with no...
Are rewards or penalties more effective in influencing user behavior? Th...
How does system-level information impact the ability of an adversary to
How can a system designer exploit system-level knowledge to derive incen...
This work seeks to design decisionmaking rules for autonomous agents to
In a multi-agent system, transitioning from a centralized to a distribut...
A challenge in multiagent control systems is to ensure that they are