Generating accurate extremes from an observational data set is crucial w...
In extreme value theory and other related risk analysis fields, probabil...
The statistical modelling of integer-valued extremes such as large avala...
The theoretical advances on the properties of scoring rules over the pas...
Machine learning classification methods usually assume that all possible...
We introduce the stable sums method for inference of extreme return leve...
Accurate estimation of daily rainfall return levels associated with larg...
A recurrent question in climate risk analysis is determining how climate...
Some properties of chaotic dynamical systems can be probed through featu...
Due to complex physical phenomena, the distribution of heavy rainfall ev...
Numerical climate models are complex and combine a large number of physi...
Verification of ensemble forecasts for extreme events remains a challeng...
In recent years several attempts have been made to extend tail modelling...
The field of statistics has become one of the mathematical foundations i...
Multiple changes in Earth's climate system have been observed over the p...
Rainfall ensemble forecasts have to be skillful for both low precipitati...