A linear layout of a graph G consists of a linear order ≺ of the
Function layout, also referred to as function reordering or function
Modern compilers leverage block coverage profile data to carry out downs...
The queue number of a poset is the queue number of its cover graph when ...
In today's digital world, interaction with online platforms is ubiquitou...
Global demand for donated blood far exceeds supply, and unmet need is
A k-stack layout (or k-page book embedding) of a graph consists of a
We initiate the theoretical study of Ext-TSP, a problem that originates ...
A linear layout of a graph typically consists of a total vertex order, a...
We investigate the queue number of posets in terms of their width, that ...
A k-stack layout (also called a k-page book embedding) of a graph
An embedding of a graph in a book consists of a linear order of its vert...
A track layout of a graph consists of a vertex coloring and of a total o...
Motivated by performance optimization of large-scale graph processing sy...
Typical large-scale recommender systems use deep learning models that ar...
Basic block reordering is an important step for profile-guided binary
A queue layout of a graph G consists of a linear order of the vertices o...
In a dispersable book embedding, the vertices of a given graph G must be...
A k-stack (respectively, k-queue) layout of a graph consists of a total
We consider the problem of extracting accurate average ant trajectories ...