Learning adversarial examples can be formulated as an optimization probl...
In this paper, we present the convergence analysis of momentum methods i...
Quantum devices with low qubits are common in the Noisy Intermediate-Sca...
Momentum methods, including heavy-ball (HB) and Nesterov's accelerated
Affective computing plays a key role in human-computer interactions,
Commit messages are natural language descriptions of code changes, which...
The field of view (FOV) of convolutional neural networks is highly relat...
In order to handle modern convolutional neural networks (CNNs) efficient...
"Lightweight convolutional neural networks" is an important research top...
The adaptive stochastic gradient descent (SGD) with momentum has been wi...
Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) has found an increasing
Averaging scheme has attracted extensive attention in deep learning as w...
Recent methods have significantly reduced the performance degradation of...
Despite the achievements of recent binarization methods on reducing the
Deploying deep models on embedded devices has been a challenging problem...
Deploying deep learning based face detectors on edge devices is a challe...
Despite the recent works on knowledge distillation (KD) have achieved a