Low-light hazy scenes commonly appear at dusk and early morning. The vis...
Audio-driven portrait animation aims to synthesize portrait videos that ...
Given an arbitrary audio clip, audio-driven 3D facial animation aims to
Deep neural networks have demonstrated superior performance on
Intrinsic image decomposition is an important and long-standing computer...
Appearance-based gaze estimation aims to predict the 3D eye gaze directi...
In the area of 3D shape analysis, the geometric properties of a shape ha...
Unsupervised image-to-image translation aims to learn the mapping betwee...
Deep neural networks have significantly improved appearance-based gaze
Appearance-based gaze estimation has achieved significant improvement by...
Anomaly detection from a single image is challenging since anomaly data ...
Recently, many multi-stream gaze estimation methods have been proposed. ...
Knowledge tracing (KT) defines the task of predicting whether students c...
With the rapid development in online education, knowledge tracing (KT) h...
Recent studies have shown that DNNs can be compromised by backdoor attac...
Intrinsic image decomposition, which is an essential task in computer vi...
Reflection is common in images capturing scenes behind a glass window, w...
Unsupervised single image layer separation aims at extracting two layers...
In recent years, more and more videos are captured from the first-person...