GLAS: Global-to-Local Safe Autonomy Synthesis for Multi-Robot Motion Planning with End-to-End Learning

by   Benjamin Rivière, et al.

We present GLAS: Global-to-Local Autonomy Synthesis, a provably-safe, automated distributed policy generation for multi-robot motion planning. Our approach combines the advantage of centralized planning of avoiding local minima with the advantage of decentralized controllers of scalability and distributed computation. In particular, our synthesized policies only require relative state information of nearby neighbors and obstacles, and compute a provably-safe action. Our approach has three major components: i) we generate demonstration trajectories using a global planner and extract local observations from them, ii) we use deep imitation learning to learn a decentralized policy that can run efficiently online, and iii) we introduce a novel differentiable safety module to ensure collision-free operation, enabling end-to-end policy training. Our numerical experiments demonstrate that our policies have a 20 and obstacle densities. We demonstrate our method on an aerial swarm, executing the policy on low-end microcontrollers in real-time.


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